Components of a Bike Fit

A bike fit through Bike Body Alignment will include the following elements. 

  • Your medical history as it relates to cycling will be reviewed. 

  • Your strength and flexibility as it relates to cycling will be assessed. This is an important part of the process because your strength and flexibility will affect your best fit on the bike. Dependent on the findings in this assessment, appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises may be recommended to improve cycling abilities and general health. 

  • Your gait and posture will be assessed.

  • Possible asymmetries in your limbs and trunk will be assessed.

  • Your equipment will be inspected.

  • Your bike will be placed on a bike trainer for assessment/measurement of the current configuration.

  • You will then begin to warm up on the bike while pedaling and your style, body position and posture will be observed.

  • Once warmed up, critical joint angles will be assessed and appropriate changes will be made at the contact points between you and your bike (pedals, seat and bars) to achieve the best relationship between your body and the bike. The time needed for this fine tuning varies from person to person and is dependent on the specific needs of each cyclist. Cadence, power and speed will also be monitored throughout the process. The use of equipment such as laser, stem sizer and other precise tools will be employed as needed.

  • Cycling drills and skills will be performed and discussed throughout the process to assess neuromuscular control and pedaling skill. While how you are positioned on the bike is important, how you make use of this best position can also be of utmost importance.

  • A dynamic video assessment will be performed and reviewed from the front and side using a slow motion application based technology before and after the bike fit.

This is a basic outline of the process and variation may occur depending on the specific needs of each cyclist and the time you want to invest in your fit. You will be provided with final measurements of the bike configuration and have increased awareness of the bike fit as it relates to you and your bike. The goal is to make you a stronger, faster and smarter cyclist so that you can continue to enjoy and participate in this activity for as long as you desire.


The cost of the bike fit is $100 per hour. Most bike fit sessions last between 1.5 and 2 hours, but more time may be required based on personal need. Also, it is sometimes necessary to break the fit into two sessions to incorporate new equipment or try a new position.

WOW! I have had several bike fits over the years, but no one has come close to this! Checking range of motion, flexibility, stance, etc. Amazing, comprehensive, and too fun to interact with! Rarely do you find the whole package!
— Sandy